Edofox Supervisor (ERP)
The Best Online Educational Software
Unlock the full potential of your educational institution with our cutting-edge ERP software. Tailored exclusively for educational organizations, our solution equips you with the tools to streamline every aspect of your institution’s management.
From academic administration to Accounting and staff management, enhance your organization’s productivity, improve data accuracy, and create a seamless experience for students, staff, and administrators.
Every organization has many complex and often manual management of administrative tasks. Reduce administrative burdens and the likelihood of errors significantly with our ERP, from student enrollment and fee collection to academic record-keeping and examinations management. Automate students’ attendance, HR management, inventory and stock management and save 100% of your paperwork.
You get real-time insights and MIS reports into financial transactions, expenses tracking, payroll and salary disbursals, students’ certificates enabling you to maintain fiscal transparency and compliance.
Thus, you can allocate resources more efficiently, improve data accuracy, and ultimately create a more conducive environment for learning with our ERP. In an era where the whole world is adopting the latest tech and softwares, ERP lets you become the leader among your peers.

1. Registration Module
- Students can access your registration from anywhere and from any device
- Simple mobile-friendly form for students which can be customized for your needs
- Get instant payments for registrations right in your bank accounts
- Integrated instant online payments via payment gateway
- Setup flexible fees and registration periods for different classes/courses
- Class/Course wise dates and fees settings provision
- Save 99% of time by generating merit lists in 2-3 clicks
- Generate merit lists right from the portal based on your criterion
- Give admissions hassle-free in 2 clicks
- Give admissions individually or in bulk
2. Fees Module
- Collect fees offline via cash windows or online instantly via payment gateway
- Offline cash and online fees collection feature with customized receipt
- Prevent and prohibit any cash mishandling or mismanagement
- Staff-wise access and fees receipts tracking
- Save 100% of your time for making accounting entries which are automated by us
- Automated accounting entries post fees collection
- Instant fees collection reports at your fingertips to get quick insights into revenue
- Track daily, weekly, monthly fees collection
- Track outstanding, total fees collected based on various criterion by our multiple reports
- Fees outstanding, course-wise fees collection, student ledger and many reports

3. Accounting Module
- No need to enter fees entries into accounting. We have made it automated
- Hassle free fees accounting
- Discover integrated accounting based on standard rules
- Based on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). Can replace Tally
- Smooth expenses tracking across multiple companies
- Track all expenses via vouchers
- Get instant insights into your financial statement
- One-click Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure report
- Track all financial transactions with help of our multiple reports
- 10+ other accounting reports for daily financial tracking
4. Academics Module
- Manage all data of your admitted students forever
- Students’ personal data management
- Keep digital copies of students’ documents for instant access and checking
- Manage scanned copies of all students’ documents
- One click certificate generation. Save 100% of your time
- Generate Transfer Certificate (TC)/Leaving Certificate (LC), Migration Certificate, Bonafide Certificate, Student ID cards with customized design
- Move all students from one class in another in 1 minute
- Manage students’ progress into next classes or admission cancellation
- Get standard reports required for NAAC and other government compliances
- One-click reports like General Register Report, Admission position, Categorywise, Genderwise, Religionwise MIS report and many more

5. Examination Module
- Setup exam schedules in 5 minutes
- Schedule exams and sessions (mid-term,finals,etc)
- Setup JEE, NEET or any exam paper
- Set exam papers
- One-click exam seat number generation
- Allocate students seat numbers in bulk
- Generate your customized grade cards and certificates in one click
- Customized exam grade cards and students’ certificates
- Monitor exam performances via multiple reports
- Various result reports
6. Student Attendance Module
- Save time from manual attendance
- Take biometric attendance for students
- For traditional system, we have roll-call based attendance too
- Roll call feature for class-based attendance
- Happy parents with instant notifications
- Notify via SMS to absent students’ parents
- Automated attendance marks added in exams
- Attendance linked with Exam for marking
- Track presence-absence, attendance records of classes
- Generate presenty-absenty reports

7. HR Module
- Instant staff records at your fingertips
- Manage staff profile data along with scanned certificates
- Save time by automatic attendance and tracking leaves
- Manage staff attendance using biometric, leaves and shifts
- Hassle-free data available for salary processing
- Provision to manage different staff types, eg. Government approved, fixed pay, etc.
- Track easily staff’s daily work activities
- Maintain timetable for staff’s daily activity
- See your good performing and non-performing staffs with reports
- Record staff performance, track daily work and generate reports
8. Payroll Module
- Automated accounting entries after salary generation
- Automatic salary linking with Accounting
- No restriction on companies for salary management
- Generate salaries in different companies
- Stop worrying about managing government rules
- Generate salaries based on government approved rules
- No matter your pay slip format, we will generate them for you
- Customized salary slips
- Analyse salary disbursals in few clicks
- 6+ salary reports

9. Inventory Module
- Departments can request items in one click
- Manage purchase requests for stock with multiple approval levels
- All suppliers’ data at your fingertips
- Manage suppliers and buying of stock
- Easy transfer of stock from one store to another
- Integrated stock transfer flow
- No need to worry about accounting with stock
- Automated accounting entries for standard transactions
- Analyse stock motion with multiple reports
- Standard reports like Stock Ledger, Stock Register, and more
10. Library Module
- Simple catalogue management
- Manage books, magazines, online ebooks catalogue in one place
- Issue or return books in a second
- Simple issue and return process using barcode
- Automatic late fees setting
- Apply late fees and other rules
- No worries about reminder for return
- Return reminders to students and staff
- Optimize your catalogue management with our reports
- Generate issuance report, find patterns and allocate budget

11. Hostel and Mess Management Module
- One-click hostel and mess admissions
- Manage hostel and mess admissions in one place
- Forget worries about student check-in, check-out
- Track student hostel entry and exit
- Easily track students’ mess entries and fees
- Track student mess entry and collect fees online
- Simple automatic notifications to parents
- Timely SMS notifications to parents/guardians
- See students’ hostel and mess activity by our reports
- Generate attendance reports
12. Timetable Module
- Offload your timetable management stress on us
- Generate timetables for all your classes and allocate staff for subjects
- Emergency leaves? Update the timetable in one-click
- Change timetable on the fly in case of emergency leaves
- See on one screen which staff is free to take free lectures
- Find free staff and assign lectures instantly
- No worries about how to communicate to staff about updations
- Updated timetable available in staff login
- Easily track of lectures conducted with our reports and track staff performance
- Maintain record of daily timetable schedule